When Women Speak Up…

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When women speak up revolutions happen...! - Nasreen Hussain
When women speak up ‘Just shut up & listen to them! – Brajesh Kumar
When women speak up the clothes are broken and freedom is achieved from shackles of bigotry and stereotypic. It's a revolution that changes mindsets and society, long awaited. – Tarun Vashishtha
When women speak up it is the beginning of the change. – Aruna Kompalli
When women speak up, even the Tsunami opts for an indefinite sabbatical. – Nikhil Iyer
When women speak up the equation is balanced & that is all that we are seeking. – Dhruv Marya
When women speak up, the universe listens. – Keeran Singh
When women speak up, matriarchy brushes a soft feathery touch on patriarchy’s head and she whispers, “Watch and learn, love. Watch and learn what equality looks like.” – Fatima Tuz Zohra
When women speak up the thinking begins – Monica Riat
When women speak up, it makes sense to listen – Nidhi Shukla
When women speak up the world becomes a better place to live in. – Kumkum Kumar
When women speak up, patriarchy shakes up.

We might make you uncomfortable, but we are unstoppable.

Together we will bring about a revolution some day, our voice is here to stay – Anupama Dalmia
When women speak up, their education is not stopped for marriage. When women speak up, they do not have to give up their jobs for family. When women speak up, they can break free from unhealthy and toxic relationships. When women speak up, everyone in the house contributed to household chores! When women speak up, they inspire their children to never accept anything they feel is wrong! When women speak up men know that she is here to stay – Ankita Sinha
When women speak up, men will find no place to hide, no mirror to face, no words to apologise, no escape from guilts, but only shame, regret, guilt and tears rolling down once and for all the unheard voices of that women... – Sakshi Tyagi
When women speak up, her son will be the positive messenger of the new bright future of our world and her daughter will never face any difficulties faced by women so far. When women speak up, she will be sowing the seed for a fresh new generation! – Divya Anvekar
When Women Speaks Up There Ignites A Thought to change – Anjali Anugraha

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